Live, Learn, Travel: The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
Our second newsletter went out this week. It covers the post World War II division of Germany.
After the war, Germany and the city of Berlin, were divided into 4 districts by the Allied nations. Later these districts were consolidated with West Germany being a merger of the districts of the United States, United Kingdom, and France. East Germany remained under the Soviet Union.
This change created further tension between the Western allies and the Soviet Union. The West became more prosperous after the war due to investments made in rebuilding the economy and the infrastructure that were destroyed during the war.
Those living in harsher conditions in the East, began to flee for better opportunities. Eventually millions would leave. On August 13, 1961, construction of the Berlin Wall began. The wall would cut off families and friends and remain this way until 1989.
To learn more about this period in history, the heroes, and places you can visit to learn more, check out this weeks Live, Learn, History newsletter.